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  • Embracing the unknown - Avail the Art of merging Rumi's Teachings with Artificial Intelligence

    Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet, scholar, and Sufi mystic, is known for his profound insights into the human condition and his spiritual teachings that emphasize love, compassion, and personal transformation. Although he lived in a very different time and place, Rumi's words have transcended generations and cultures, and continue to resonate with people today. In fact, many of his teachings can be applied to modern-day challenges in business, with the help of a AI Tools. The artificial intelligence-based tools that use natural language processing and machine learning to provide personalized guidance and advice to users. By combining Rumi's timeless wisdom with the power of digital counseling, business leaders can gain new insights and perspectives on their challenges, and make more informed decisions that are aligned with their values and goals. One of Rumi's key teachings is the importance of listening to the heart, rather than just the mind. In business, this means connecting with one's intuition and inner wisdom, rather than just relying on logic and analysis. Digital counselor can help business leaders tap into this deeper wisdom by providing prompts and questions that encourage reflection and introspection. By exploring their own feelings and values, leaders can gain greater clarity about their goals and priorities, and make decisions that are more aligned with their authentic selves. Another important lesson from Rumi is the power of collaboration and connection. In business, this means recognizing the importance of building relationships with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Digital counselors can help leaders cultivate these relationships by providing strategies for effective communication, empathy, and collaboration. By fostering a culture of connection and trust, leaders can create more innovative and sustainable organizations that are better equipped to adapt to change. Finally, Rumi emphasizes the importance of embracing uncertainty and the unknown. In business, this means being willing to take risks and experiment with new ideas, even in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity. Digital counselor can help leaders navigate this uncertainty by providing tools and frameworks for testing and iterating on new ideas, and by encouraging a mindset of curiosity and experimentation. By embracing the unknown, leaders can create more resilient and adaptable organizations that are better equipped to thrive in a rapidly changing world. In conclusion, Rumi's teachings offer a powerful framework for navigating the challenges of modern-day business, with the help of a digital counselor. By connecting with their intuition, fostering relationships, and embracing uncertainty, business leaders can create more innovative, sustainable, and fulfilling organizations that make a positive impact in the world. As Rumi once wrote, "The wound is the place where the light enters you." By embracing our challenges and learning from them, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities for growth and transformation.

  • From Pakistan to Canada: The Inspiring Journey of Rosie Gabrielle, A Vlogger and Social Justice Adv

    Once upon a time, there was a Pakistani girl named Rosie Gabrielle who dreamed of exploring the world and sharing her experiences with others. She was always fascinated by different cultures and loved to capture the essence of each place she visited through her camera lens. One day, Rosie decided to move to Canada to start a new chapter in her life. She wanted to support her family back home in Pakistan, and she knew that the opportunities in Canada were vast. She had heard about the digital marketing agency Destiny Earners, which was based in Toronto, and she thought that it would be the perfect place for her to begin her journey. At Destiny Earners, Rosie quickly impressed her colleagues with her creativity and talent for social media marketing. She was always full of new ideas and was constantly looking for ways to engage with their audience. One day, she had an idea to launch a campaign on Rumi and his teachings. She had always been inspired by Rumi's poetry, and she believed that his words could help people find peace and happiness in their lives. Rosie's campaign was a huge success, and it quickly went viral on social media. People from all over the world were inspired by Rumi's teachings, and they shared their own stories of how his words had impacted their lives. Rosie was thrilled to see that her work was making a positive difference in the world, and she felt more connected to her new home in Canada. As she continued to work at Destiny Earners, Rosie also pursued her passion for travel and started a vlog channel on YouTube. She would document her adventures and share them with her audience, giving them a glimpse into the beauty and diversity of different cultures around the world. Through her vlogs and campaigns, Rosie became a voice for those who felt marginalized or misunderstood. She used her platform to advocate for causes she believed in, including women's rights and social justice. She felt empowered by the support she received from her followers, and she knew that her work was making a difference. Despite the challenges and obstacles, she faced along the way, Rosie never gave up on her dreams. She worked hard, stayed true to herself, and used her talents to make a positive impact in the world. And in doing so, she found a sense of purpose and fulfillment that she had never experienced before. Note: The Above story is completely Fictional, the main purpose is to high light the struggles in life and seeking help through the teachings of Rumi Canadian vlogger Rosie Gabrielle, who recently accepted Islam and tied the knot to Pakistani travel vlogger Adeel Amer, has said that she felt safe in Pakistan after New Zealand cricket team cancelled its tour over a "security alert". Taking to Instagram, Rosie Gabrielle shared a video montage based on her solo 11,000 km trip to Pakistan, saying, “I FELT SAFE IN PAKISTAN.” "Never would I thought that I would come to Pakistan and fall in love. Not only with a country and its people, but one very special individual in particular." Aftermath of following Rumi's Teachings One day, Rosie received a message from a young girl from Pakistan, who shared that she had been watching her vlogs and campaigns and that Rosie had become her role model. The girl had always wanted to travel and explore the world, but she had been discouraged by the limitations and societal expectations placed upon her as a girl in Pakistan. Moved by the girl's message, Rosie decided to start a scholarship program for young girls in Pakistan, which would provide them with the resources and support they needed to pursue their dreams. She hoped that through this program, she could help to break down some of the barriers that had held so many girls back in her home country. The program was a huge success, and Rosie was thrilled to see the impact it was having on the lives of the young girls who received the scholarships. She received letters and messages from the girls, sharing their stories and their gratitude for the opportunities she had given them. As Rosie continued to travel and explore the world, she never forgot her roots and the people who had supported her along the way. She remained connected to her family in Pakistan, and she visited them whenever she could. She knew that her journey had been made possible by the love and support of those around her, and she was grateful for all the opportunities that had come her way. Rosie's work as a vlogger, digital marketer, and social justice advocate had taken her on a remarkable journey, full of challenges, successes, and meaningful experiences. But through it all, she remained true to herself and to her values, and she continued to inspire others to pursue their dreams and make a difference in the world.

  • Beyond Borders: A Rumi-Inspired Love Story from Pakistan to Canada

    In the bustling city of Rawalpindi, Pakistan, a young boy named Asim was captivated by the poetry of Rumi. He would spend hours reading Rumi's works, lost in the depth of his words and the profound message they conveyed. One day, he came across a poem that particularly resonated with him, it read: "Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself" Be Melting Snow Totally conscious, and apropos of nothing, you come to see me. Is someone here? I ask. The moon. The full moon is inside your house. My friends and I go running out into the street. I'm in here, comes a voice from the house, but we aren't listening. We're looking up at the sky. My pet nightingale sobs like a drunk in the garden. Ringdoves scatter with small cries, Where, Where. It's midnight. The whole neighborhood is up and out in the street thinking, The cat burglar has come back. The actual thief is there too, saying out loud, Yes, the cat burglar is somewhere in this crowd. No one pays attention. Lo, I am with you always means when you look for God, God is in the look of your eyes, in the thought of looking, nearer to you than your self, or things that have happened to you There's no need to go outside. Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself. A white flower grows in quietness. Let your tongue become that flower. ~Rumi These lines left a deep impact on Asim's heart, and he was compelled to follow his dreams of pursuing higher education abroad. Asim began researching the best countries to study in, and he stumbled upon "Destiny Earners - Canada" a reputable immigration company that had offices in UAE, Canada, USA, Seattle, Oregon and Pakistan. The company helped him make the right decision about which country would be best for him, and Asim ultimately decided to choose Canada for its quality education system, welcoming culture, and diverse community. c Asim and Nida were determined to get married and spend the rest of their lives together. They approached their parents for permission, and to their relief, both families gave their blessing. Asim and Nida got married in a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by their loved ones. As time went by, Asim and Nida started a YouTube channel where they mentored people about the importance of Rumi's poetry in making important life decisions and achieving success. They shared their own experiences of how Rumi's work had inspired them to take risks and follow their dreams, just as Asim had done when he decided to move abroad for higher education. Together, Asim and Nida continued to find inspiration in Rumi's poetry, and they were determined to help others find the same sense of purpose and passion in life that they had discovered. Their love story and their message of hope touched the hearts of many, and they continued to inspire countless people around the world with their work. Canada is becoming an increasingly popular destination for Pakistani students, and for good reason. With top-notch universities, a welcoming atmosphere, and ample opportunities for personal and professional growth, Canada is quickly becoming a dream destination for Pakistani students looking to further their education. The prominent reasons, Pakistani students are preferring foreign countries for their education are mainly: Lack of world recognized education facilities in Pakistan Unemployment Lack of recognition of talent Inadequate well-suited facilities for students. Sadly, there is not a single university of Pakistan that has made way into the world’s top 100 or even top 500 universities. Moreover, there are no productive part-time jobs for students. Even after getting degrees, it is a very hard battle to land jobs at reputed places due to lack of merit-based selections. Rupee devaluation also has a major role in this case. Why Canada? Canada is a Top Choice for International Students Canada is a highly sought-after destination for students seeking quality education and a welcoming environment. With an increasing number of international students opting for Canada, let's take a closer look at why this country is such a popular choice. Impressive Statistics: In 2021, more than 8,400 Pakistan citizens moved to Canada, making it the tenth-largest source country overall. It is also in the top 20 source countries of international students—about 3,400 came to Canada in 2021. In 2020, Pakistan was the fourth leading country of citizenship of invited Express Entry candidates. Further, the latest available census data indicates there are about 202,000 Canadians with Pakistani ancestry. The largest share of the Pakistan diaspora lives in Ontario, especially Toronto, Mississauga, and Milton. On the west coast, Vancouver also has a large Pakistani community. Source: Canada International Student Statistics (Updated 2022) World-Class Education: Canadian universities have a reputation for providing a high-quality education, with standards that are comparable to those of top universities in countries like the US, UK, and Australia. Many Canadian universities are ranked among the top 50 in the world. Affordable Education: Cost is often a barrier to higher education, but Canada offers cost-effective options for international students. Tuition fees and living expenses in Canada are comparatively lower than other popular destinations for higher education. Cost-Friendly Living Standards: When studying abroad, housing can be a significant expense. Fortunately, Canada offers affordable housing options for students, with yearly expenses ranging up to $15,000 dollars. The cost of living in Canada is also comparatively lower than other countries, making it an attractive option for students on a budget. Work Opportunities: International students need to work to support themselves while studying. Canada allows students to work up to 20 hours a week during the school term and 30 hours a week during winter/summer breaks. Moreover, students don't always require a work permit to work in Canada, making it easier for them to earn money while studying. Safe and Peaceful Environment: Canada is ranked as the 8th most peaceful country in the world, making it a secure and safe option for international students. With low crime rates, students can focus on their studies without having to worry about their safety. Immigration Opportunities: Canada provides international students with the option to stay in the country after completing their education. With the help of post-graduation work permits, students can gain valuable work experience and even fund their further education. Canada also offers immigration options for students, with 51% of international students surveyed in 2016 opting for permanent residency in Canada. Cultural Diversity: Canada celebrates diversity and equality, welcoming students of all cultures and religions. The government of Canada encourages cultural and religious celebrations, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's speeches and messages on religious occasions like Eid show the country's commitment to multiculturalism. Highlights There are many reasons why Canada is becoming a top destination for Pakistani students. One major factor is the quality of education that Canadian universities offer. Canada has some of the best universities in the world, and they are known for providing top-notch education to students from all over the world. With a focus on research, innovation, and hands-on learning, Canadian universities are preparing students for the challenges of the modern workforce. Another reason why Canada is becoming a popular destination for Pakistani students is the welcoming atmosphere. Canadians are known for their friendliness and hospitality, and this extends to international students as well. From the moment students arrive in Canada, they are welcomed with open arms and made to feel at home. This sense of community and belonging is a major factor in why so many Pakistani students are choosing to study in Canada. Finally, Canada offers ample opportunities for personal and professional growth. With a thriving economy and a diverse range of industries, Canada is a great place for students to launch their careers. Whether they are looking to start their own businesses, work for a multinational corporation, or pursue a career in the arts or sciences, Canada has something to offer everyone. How Rumi teachings can help decide to move to Canada The teachings of Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet and mystic, can help guide Pakistani students in their decision to move to Canada. Rumi's poetry is known for its messages of love, compassion, and unity, and these are values that are also deeply ingrained in Canadian society. One example of Rumi's poetry that can be applied to the decision to move to Canada is his famous line, "The wound is the place where the light enters you." This line speaks to the idea that sometimes it is through our struggles and hardships that we are able to find the light and move forward. For Pakistani students who may be facing challenges in their home country, the idea of moving to Canada and starting a new life may be the light that they need. Another example of Rumi's poetry that can be applied to the decision to move to Canada is his line, "The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." This line speaks to the idea that sometimes we are drawn to certain people or places without fully understanding why. For Pakistani students who feel drawn to Canada and its culture, this line can help reassure them that they are making the right decision. In conclusion, Canada is becoming a dream destination for Pakistani students, and for good reason. With its top-notch universities, welcoming atmosphere, and ample opportunities for personal and professional growth, Canada has something to offer everyone. Canada's excellent educational standards, cost-friendliness, work opportunities, safe environment, immigration options, and cultural diversity make it a top choice for international students. With an increasing number of students opting for Canada, it's no wonder that it is rapidly becoming a preferred destination for higher education. And with the guidance of Rumi's teachings, Pakistani students can make the decision to move to Canada with confidence and clarity.

  • The Power of Compassion: How Rumi's Teachings Helped a Family - ComeTOCanada

    I helped the family achieve their goal of securing permanent residency in Canada, despite the challenging finding of inadmissibility As a Canadian immigration consultant, I have come across many clients who have faced a variety of challenges in their quest to obtain a Canadian visa or permanent residency. One such client was the young family (names are confidential), who faced a significant hurdle due to medical inadmissibility. In our meetings, I tried to approach their situation with a compassionate and understanding attitude. I drew inspiration from the teachings of Rumi, the famous Persian poet and Sufi mystic, who emphasized the importance of empathy and compassion for all human beings. I encouraged the family to tell their story and to emphasize the humanitarian reasons for their desire to stay in Canada. I reminded them that their perseverance and hope in the face of adversity were truly admirable and inspiring. I also shared some of Rumi's poetry with them, which spoke to the value of human connection and understanding. One particular quote that resonated with them was: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." They found comfort in the idea that they were not alone in their struggles, and that there was a space for empathy and understanding in the world. We worked together to craft a compelling argument that highlighted the family's strong ties to Canada, as well as the difficulties they would face if they were forced to return to their country of origin. We emphasized their need for continued medical care and the potential negative impact on the family's young children if they were separated. . . . In the world of Canadian immigration, there are many hurdles that applicants must overcome in order to achieve permanent residency status. For one family, their journey was particularly challenging, as they faced a significant finding of inadmissibility due to medical concerns. Despite the obstacles in their path, the family remained determined to stay in Canada, where they felt they would be safe and could build a better future for themselves and their children. They turned to a Canadian immigration consultant #DestinyEarners - #Canada , who helped them craft a compelling argument for their case. Using a combination of legal expertise and the teachings of Rumi, the consultant worked with the family to build a case that emphasized their strong ties to Canada, as well as the humanitarian and compassionate reasons for their desire to stay. They focused on the family's need for continued medical care and the potential negative impact on the family's young children if they were separated. Their efforts paid off in the end, as the family was granted permanent residency in Canada. It was a testament to the power of compassion and perseverance, as well as the importance of building a strong and compelling case. Thanks to the support of their consultant, the family was able to overcome a challenging finding of inadmissibility and secure a bright future for themselves and their children in Canada. As a Canadian immigration and visa consultant, my goal was to help the family achieve their dream of securing permanent residency in Canada, despite the challenging finding of inadmissibility that they faced. Here are the steps I took to help ensure their success, in the tune of the Canadian Overseas Legal Immigration Office: Step one: Consultation and Assessment I listened to their story, to understand their circumstances, And provided guidance, with empathy and reassurance, to enhance their chances. Initial Consultation: The first meeting with the client to discuss their situation, goals, and options. Eligibility Assessment: A review of the client's background, qualifications, and other relevant factors to determine if they meet the eligibility requirements for the desired visa or immigration program. Retainer Agreement: A legal contract between the client and consultant that outlines the scope of work, fees, and other important terms. Step two: Case Analysis and Planning I analyzed their case and the relevant legal rules, And formulated a comprehensive plan, to help them overcome the obstacles. Legal Opinion: A written document that summarizes the legal issues, options, and risks related to the client's case. Case Strategy: A detailed plan that outlines the steps, timelines, and resources needed to achieve the client's goals. Step three: Document Collection and Preparation I gathered all necessary documents and evidence, To support their case, with a detailed and persuasive argument. Document Checklist: A list of all required documents and evidence needed to support the client's application. Cover Letter: A formal letter that explains the purpose of the application, the client's eligibility, and the key points in their argument. Step four: Application Submission and Follow-up I presented the case to the relevant authorities, Highlighting the humanitarian and compassionate reasons for their plea. Application Forms: The official forms required to apply for a visa or immigration program. Supporting Documents: Any additional documents and evidence needed to support the application. Legal Submission: A formal submission of the application and supporting documents to the relevant immigration authority. Follow-up Communication: Ongoing communication with the immigration authority to track the status of the application and address any concerns or requests. Step five: Appeal Preparation and Submission I followed up with the authorities, with persistence and diligence, To ensure that their case was given the attention it deserved, without any reluctance. Notice of Appeal: A legal document that formally notifies the immigration authority of the client's intention to appeal the decision. Appeal Record: A collection of all relevant documents and evidence related to the case. Written Submissions: A detailed written argument that explains why the client disagrees with the decision and why it should be overturned. Hearing Preparation: Preparing the client for a hearing, including outlining the key issues, reviewing the evidence, and practicing for the hearing. To write an appeal, it's important to carefully review the decision that was made, identify the specific grounds for appeal, and provide a clear and persuasive argument that supports the appeal. The written submission should be organized, concise, and well-supported with evidence and legal authorities. It's also important to adhere to the relevant legal requirements and deadlines for submitting the appeal. Step six, I communicated with the family, with clarity and transparency, To keep them informed and updated, throughout the process, with all sincerity. Step seven, I celebrated with them, when their application was approved, And congratulated them, on their success, with pride and gratitude. Through these steps, I was able to help the family achieve their goal of securing permanent residency in Canada, despite the challenging finding of inadmissibility that they faced. As a Canadian immigration and visa consultant, my mission is to help people achieve their dreams of coming to Canada, and to provide guidance and support every step of the way.

  • Are You an Entrepreneur - Canada is looking for you -Seek Rumi for Success

    Are you a Pakistani entrepreneur looking to immigrate to Canada and start a new business? The words of Rumi, an 800-year-old Persian poet, offer powerful insights that can help guide you on your entrepreneurial journey. Here are some tips inspired by Rumi's wisdom: Take risks: Rumi encourages us to set out on the uncertain waters of entrepreneurship, even if we don't know whether we'll sink or make it to shore. Don't wait for the perfect moment to start your business, as there will always be reasons to delay. Instead, take the leap and be willing to brave the challenges that come your way. “Load the ship and set out. No one knows for certain whether the vessel will sink or reach the harbour. Cautious people say: “I’ll do nothing until I can be sure.” Merchants know better. If you do nothing, you lose. Don’t be one of those who won’t risk the ocean.” here is never the “right time” to start a new venture. There are always reasons to wait, to do more planning, to allow technology to mature or market conditions to develop. Fundamentally prevarication is driven by fear, the desire to minimize one’s exposure to the painful experience of failure. We must brave the ocean, to be terrified and go for it. As Rumi also advises: “Your boundaries are your quest.” Create your own path: Rumi urges us to ignore those who doubt or criticize our vision, and to focus on unfolding our own myth. As an entrepreneur, it's important to believe in yourself and your unique perspective. Don't be satisfied with following the paths of others, but instead seek to blaze your own trail. Rumi on innovation: “Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” Surround yourself with supporters: Rumi advises us to seek out those who fan our flames and set our lives on fire. In other words, surround yourself with people who believe in you and your vision. These people will help you stay motivated and focused, and will offer valuable advice and support as you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Rumi on relationships: “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” Don't give up: Rumi reminds us that the hardest moments can often be the turning point in our journey. When things seem impossible, don't give up. Instead, keep pushing forward and be willing to pivot when necessary. Perseverance and resilience are key qualities for any successful entrepreneur. Rumi on perseverance: “When you go through a hard period, When everything seems to oppose you … When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, NEVER GIVE UP! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert.” Embrace disruption: Rumi notes that our ability to innovate and disrupt depends on keeping our windows open to the world. As an entrepreneur, it's essential to be aware of emerging trends and to be willing to disrupt the status quo when necessary. Don't become complacent and entrenched in your current model - be open to new possibilities and opportunities. Often the biggest wounds or biggest crisis in our lives carry the seed of transformation. They drag us out of our comfort zone, forcing us to re-examine our closely guarded beliefs and prejudices and make way for new ideas and approaches to life. Why do so many startups fail to reach the Tipping Point? In Geoffrey Moore (Crossing the Chasm) terms, they win the Innovators, they may even win the Early Adopters and even scratch the surface of the Early Majority. But then they fail to dominate the market and fizzle out. Invariably they are blindsided by a disruptive innovation they just didn’t see coming. Be bold: Finally, Rumi encourages us to be fearless and daring in our pursuit of creative endeavour. Being an entrepreneur requires us to step outside of our comfort zones, take risks, and challenge the status quo. Embrace the unknown and be willing to take bold, unconventional steps to achieve your goals. Rumi on just about everything else: “Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I’ll be mad.” On the face of it this is a difficult one, being advised to “destroy your reputation”, to “go mad” would initially strike one as a poor course of action. But it is certainly true that seeking safety and comfort is unlikely to result in transformational success. Being entrepreneurial is undoubtedly about living where we fear to live. Ask yourself whether you and/or your organisation’s reputation is fit for purpose, does it enable the desired outcome? If it doesn’t then what do you lose from destroying it? And as for mad, well there is another interpretation of Rumi’s Persian madness, namely to believe in the power of creative endeavour. As a Canadian immigration company in Pakistan, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with starting a new business in a foreign country. We're here to help you navigate the immigration process and support you as you build your new venture in Canada. With the guidance of Rumi's wisdom, we're confident that you can achieve success and create a bold, transformative business that will make a difference in the world.

  • 23 Life Hacks that I should have known at 23

    In the year 2023, these are the 23 Life Hacks that I should have known at 23. As I sit here at 35, reflecting on my journey thus far, there are a few things I should have known at 23. I wish I knew the importance of using workouts to gain muscle, diet to burn fat, and cardio to improve overall health and longevity (guidelines recommend 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity i.e. walking, running, swimming, biking, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, or a mix of both. I wish I knew the power of a high protein diet made up of whole foods for the best body composition. When lifting weights, I wish I knew the importance of using the mind-muscle connection to increase muscle contraction. I also wish I knew the importance of proper hydration, starting with drinking water upon waking before coffee and delaying coffee for 1-2 hours to allow cortisol to clear out adenosine for sustained energy into the afternoon. The importance of using our nose for smelling and breathing and our mouth for talking, tasting, and eating, as well as the negative impact of mouth breathing on sleep, oral health, and sleep apnea(Sleep apnea often causes sufferers to sleep with their mouth open, which can cause dry mouth. This can lead to increased plaque, more cavities and tooth decay, gum disease, and mouth sores caused by infections.). Also to avoid products like fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, which can disrupt the oral microbiome(The oral microbiome is the collection of bacteria, viruses, and fungi within your mouth. These particles live in your saliva and on every surface of your mouth.). In addition, I wish I knew the importance of a consistent sleep schedule, aligning our body with the rising and setting of the sun, and implementing strategies like the 321 method for better sleep: no eating 3 hours before bed, no liquids 2 hours before, and no screens 1 hour before. I also wish I knew the importance of protecting our sleep environment by using blue light blockers and taking steps to optimize our sleep for one-third of our lives. I also wish I knew the importance of being mindful of our thoughts and ideas, writing them down immediately and taking advantage of creative inspiration during shower, walking, and gym time. I wish I knew small hacks like peeling a boiled egg by rolling it around the plate. I wish I knew the power of self-awareness and personal responsibility, understanding the impact of our actions on others and taking complete ownership of every result in our life. I wish I knew the importance of seeking rejection, learning a martial art for discipline, confidence and stress release, and avoiding energy vampires and gossips. I also wish I knew the importance of surrounding ourselves with people and environments that challenge and inspire growth, seeking feedback from those in the arena and not from cheap seats, and teaching our children things we wish we knew rather than giving them what we wish we had. Above all, I wish I knew the true meaning of wealth, which is about being physically and financially healthy while living in a household full of love. Embrace the struggle, keep a small circle, and always keep working harder. I wish I knew Who I chose as a partner as it determined the level of my peace, wealth & happiness. I wish I knew that my perception is reality. If I wanted a better reality I must have changed my perception. Change your Wishes to Gratitude Wish Show up, do the work & seek ways to grow. Do this every day & watch what happens. Wish No one cares. Work harder. Wish Instead of giving your kids what you wish you had, teach them things you wish you knew. Wish Keep a small circle. It's better to go narrow & deep than wide & shallow. I wish you knew you'll never be as young as you are now. Do what you feel you're meant to do.

  • We All Know Who GOD is? Let's Meet Him

    Seeing God in Everything is Everything My dear friend, to see Allah in everything, one must cultivate the inner eye of the heart. It requires a shift in perspective and an open mind to see the divine presence in all things, great and small. Imagine the still air that you feel across your hand is a manifestation of Allah's power and presence. The gentle touch of the air is a reminder of the delicate balance that Allah maintains in the world. Everything, from the tiniest particles to the vast expanse of the universe, is a manifestation of Allah's will and wisdom. My dear friend, to see Allah in everything, you must first cultivate a deep connection with your soul and open your heart to the divine presence within all of creation. Remember, Allah is the source of all life, the sustainer of all that exists. Thus, to see Allah in everything is to see the thread of divinity that runs through all of creation, tying everything together in a beautiful tapestry of unity. Allah is not limited to grandiose or grand events, but rather, can be found in the smallest of things. In each moment, with each breath, look for the hand of Allah at work, and you will begin to see the world in a new light, one filled with love, compassion, and beauty. So keep your heart open, be mindful of your thoughts and actions, and never stop seeking the divine presence in all that surrounds you. May Allah bless you on your journey and guide you to a deeper understanding of the oneness of all things. Here are a few more examples of how to see Allah in everything: In nature: Observe the majesty of a mountain, the delicacy of a flower, or the rhythm of the waves and see the wisdom and power of Allah at work. In relationships: Look for the love, kindness, and compassion that Allah has placed in the hearts of those around you, and see how it brings people together and creates bonds of friendship and family. In challenges: When faced with difficulties, turn to Allah and see how even the most trying experiences can be transformed into opportunities for growth, learning, and spiritual advancement. In beauty: Find beauty in the world around you, be it in art, music, or the simple joys of life, and see how Allah's love shines through it all. In everyday actions: In every action, no matter how small, look for the presence of Allah and see how every deed, thought, and word is infused with divine purpose and meaning. Remember, to see Allah in everything is to cultivate a sense of wonder and awe, to be mindful of the present moment, and to approach each day with an open heart and mind. Imagine everyone like a reflection of Allah's Existance Like a gardener: Allah's hand can be seen in the world as gently as a gardener tending to a garden, nurturing and guiding all of creation with love and care. In the eyes of a child: Just as a child sees the world with fresh wonder and awe, we can see Allah in everything through the eyes of innocence and pure perception. As the sun behind the clouds: Allah is always present, even if at times we may not see it, just as the sun is always shining, even if it is obscured by clouds. Like the strings of a lute: All of creation is like the strings of a lute, each one connected and resonating with the other, showing the harmony and unity of Allah's creation. The winds of change: Just as the winds of change can shape the world, so too can the breath of Allah be seen in the shifting patterns and movements of life. Imagining such provides a glimpse into the depth and beauty of seeing Allah in everything, helping us to cultivate a deeper appreciation and connection to the divine presence within all of creation. I understand the importance of embracing knowledge and wisdom from all sources, including the most recent developments in science. So, let me offer you these examples of how to see Allah in the light of modern science: In quantum physics: Just as subatomic particles are connected and intertwined in the quantum world, so too are all things connected in the eyes of Allah, reminding us of the unity and interdependence of all creation. Through the laws of nature: In the order and beauty of the laws of nature, we can see the wisdom and power of Allah at work, guiding the universe with purpose and intention. In the cosmos: The vastness and majesty of the cosmos is a testament to the creativity and wonder of Allah, reminding us of the infinite potential of the universe. In the intricacies of biology: The intricacies of biology, from the smallest cell to the most complex organism, reveal the wonder and beauty of Allah's creation, reminding us of the divine presence within all living things. In the mysteries of consciousness: The mysteries of consciousness and the human mind invite us to explore the divine nature of the soul and our connection to the divine, reminding us of the spiritual dimension of our existence. In the diversity of life: The rich diversity of life on our planet, from the tiniest microorganisms to the largest mammals, is a testament to the creativity and generosity of Allah, reminding us of the abundance and beauty of the natural world. Through the cycle of life and death: The cycle of life and death, from the birth of a star to the death of a galaxy, is a reminder of the impermanence of all things and the eternal nature of Allah, who exists beyond time and space. In the marvels of technology: The incredible advancements in technology, from artificial intelligence to biotechnology, offer us a glimpse into the limitless potential of human beings, created in the image of Allah, to understand and shape the world. In the mysteries of the human brain: The intricacies of the human brain and its ability to process information, create art, and experience love and compassion are a testament to the power and beauty of the soul, created by Allah to reflect the divine. Through the study of genetics: The study of genetics reveals the complex interplay between our genes and the environment, reminding us of the delicate balance that exists between the material and spiritual aspects of our existence, both shaped by Allah. So, my friend, embrace the knowledge and wisdom offered by science, but always keep your heart open to the divine presence that infuses all of creation, and you will continue to see Allah in everything in new and fascinating ways. By understanding the beauty and intricacies of the natural world through science, we can deepen our appreciation for the majesty and wisdom of Allah, and come to understand the world in a new and profound way especially by Attaching to the blessed Books Revealed by Allah such as Zabur, Bible, Torah and Quran. May Allah continue to guide us on this journey of discovery and help us to deepen our connection to the divine presence within all of creation. Amen Following are some of the examples of how to see Allah in the Quran: Through the words of the Quran: The words of the Quran are not simply words on a page, but they are a reflection of the divine presence of Allah. When we read the Quran, we are not just reading the words of a human being, but the words of Allah, speaking directly to our hearts and souls. In the beauty of the Quranic language: The language of the Quran is a masterpiece of beauty and elegance, reflecting the wisdom and grace of Allah. When we contemplate the verses of the Quran, we are not only gaining knowledge, but also experiencing the beauty and power of the divine presence. Through the stories of the prophets: The stories of the prophets in the Quran, such as the story of Moses, Abraham, and Jesus, are not just historical accounts, but they are also lessons and parables, reminding us of the wisdom and guidance of Allah and our own spiritual journeys. In the Quranic verses of comfort and reassurance: The verses of comfort and reassurance in the Quran, such as "Verily, with every difficulty there is relief" (94:5), are a reminder of the loving and compassionate nature of Allah, who is always with us and always providing for us. So, my friend, when you turn to the Quran, do not just read the words, but allow yourself to be immersed in the divine presence of Allah, and may you continue to see the beauty and wisdom of the divine in the sacred text. May you always be mindful of Allah's presence in all things and may your heart be filled with the light of divine love and understanding. Remember, Allah is closer to you than your own jugular vein, and by focusing your heart and mind on the divine, you will come to know Allah in all things.

  • Hope Springs Eternal: A Reflection on the Power of Optimism

    As Rumi once wrote, "The wound is the place where the light enters you." In the face of adversity, it is all too easy to lose faith in the world and in ourselves. But it is in these moments of darkness that we must remind ourselves of the ultimate truth: hope exists. Hope is a beacon that shines bright in the depths of despair. It gives us the strength to carry on, to keep moving forward, even when all seems lost. It is the light that illuminates the path ahead, showing us that there is always a way forward, no matter how difficult the journey may be. But hope is not simply a feeling; it is an action. It is the decision to keep striving, to keep working towards our goals, even when the odds are against us. It is the determination to see the beauty in the world, even when all we can see is darkness. In a world that can often seem cruel and indifferent, it is easy to lose sight of hope. But we must never forget that it is always there, waiting for us to reach out and grasp it. We must hold on to it with all our might, for it is the ultimate news that keeps the poor soul alive. So let us embrace hope, for it is the key that unlocks the doors of possibility. Let us be inspired by its light, for it is the flame that illuminates our darkest hours. And let us never give up, for it is the ultimate news that keeps the poor soul alive.

  • Embracing Spring with Modesty - A Reflection on the Winter Style of 2023

    Fashion should always reflect the modesty of the soul. Winter is a time to keep warm, but it is also an opportunity to express the inner beauty that shines within. For men and women, choosing attire that covers the body respectfully, while still embracing the natural form, is important. Warm and cosy fabrics like wool and cashmere can provide comfort and protection from the elements, while still allowing one to feel stylish and confident. When selecting winter clothing, it is crucial to focus on the needs of the soul and the purpose of the clothing, rather than just following the latest trends. Remember, the true beauty of a person lies in their character and actions, not in their clothes. Oh winter, with its chill and frost, Brings style and grace that never gets lost. For men and women, both alike, Modesty in dress, a true delight. Wrap up in warm and cosy clothes, In colors soft and gentle hues. Let your style be simple, yet bold, Reflecting the heart's stories untold. Remember, what you wear speaks loud, Of the grace and peace that fills you proud. So dress with care, and dress with love, And in the winter, show the world above. The season is getting ready to embrace the clothes of spring. Let us recall the winter style of 2023, which provided the body with the warmth of wool and the eyes with the sensation of grace. For the sake of your Soul do not let modesty slip from your hands in the upcoming seasons.

  • Rumi's Teachings- The new dimension to Polyvagal Theory - Approach to Hypnotherapy

    Polyvagal Theory, developed by Stephen Porges, is a neurophysiological model that explains the connection between the autonomic nervous system and emotions. It describes how different states of the nervous system affect our emotions, behaviors, and social engagement. Rumi's teachings can revolutionize Polyvagal Theory for Hypnotherapists by emphasizing the importance of the heart and its role in regulating emotions and behaviors. In Rumi's teachings, the heart is seen as the center of emotions and spirituality. He encourages individuals to connect with their heart, to understand their emotions, and to cultivate compassion and love. This connection to the heart is important in Polyvagal Theory as it can shift the autonomic nervous system from a state of defensive or immobilized response to a state of social engagement and positive emotions. Rumi's teachings can help individuals to tap into this positive state and to cultivate resilience, emotional regulation, and well-being. Rumi's teachings emphasize the importance of connecting with one's emotions and inner self, and the power of the heart in promoting well-being and inner peace. To follow this teaching, one can practice: Mindfulness and meditation: By being present in the moment and focusing on one's breath, one can quiet the mind and become more aware of one's emotions and thoughts. Understanding emotions: Rumi taught that it is important to understand and acknowledge one's emotions, rather than suppressing or ignoring them. By doing so, one can gain insight into their motivations and tendencies. Focusing on the heart: Rumi encouraged individuals to focus on their hearts and cultivate compassion and love. By doing so, one can release negative thoughts and emotions and cultivate positive energy. Letting go of negativity: Rumi taught that it is important to let go of negative thoughts and emotions in order to create space for positivity and growth. Connecting with the divine: Rumi emphasized the importance of connecting with the divine and seeking guidance from a higher power. By doing so, one can access a deeper sense of peace and understanding. By incorporating these teachings into one's life, one can cultivate a greater connection to their inner self and emotions, and harness the power of the heart to promote healing and well-being. By incorporating Rumi's teachings into their practices, hypnotherapists can offer a holistic and spiritual approach to emotional regulation and healing. Rumi's emphasis on the heart can deepen the understanding of the role of emotions and spirituality in the regulation of the nervous system, providing a new dimension to Polyvagal Theory and a more comprehensive approach to hypnotherapy.

  • Rumi's Teachings and Modern-Day Hypnotherapy - Harnessing the Power of the Mind for Inner Peace

    In the vortex of life's uncertain way, Where emotions and thoughts do sway, We seek a path that leads to peace, A state where our soul finds release. The law of attraction we do understand, That what we seek, we shall command, With motivation, our dreams do come, And emptiness gives us room. Rumi says, the heart is where it starts, With emotions that do tug and pull our hearts, Sympathy, love and kindness do arise, And light a path for our soul to arise. In this journey, our mind does unwind, As we enter into a state of peace, refined, Where we let go of all that is done, And find a path where we are one. So come, let us journey within, And find a path where we can begin, With Rumi as our guide, we shall see, A life of peace and serenity. ~ ~ ~ As Rumi lived in the 13th century, hypnotherapy was not a known practice at that time. However, Rumi's teachings on mindfulness, meditation, and self-awareness would have been valuable tools in promoting inner peace and healing. He emphasized the importance of connecting with one's inner self and understanding one's emotions, thoughts, and motivations. Rumi's poems and teachings on love, compassion, and the power of the heart can also be seen as promoting a sense of calm and well-being, which are important aspects of hypnotherapy. He encouraged individuals to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and to focus on positivity and growth. In his era, Rumi would have likely used his teachings to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, much like a modern-day hypnotherapist would. Through his words and guidance, Rumi would have helped individuals to understand the power of their thoughts and emotions, and to harness this power to promote inner peace, happiness, and healing. Rumi's teachings, although rooted in the 13th century, remain relevant and applicable even in the present day. By incorporating modern-day hypnotherapy techniques and practices, individuals can further enhance the impact of Rumi's teachings in promoting inner peace and healing. For example, hypnotherapy can help to reinforce the message of mindfulness and self-awareness that Rumi emphasized. Through hypnotherapy, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and motivations, and can use this understanding to promote positivity and growth. Similarly, hypnotherapy can help to deepen the experience of love, compassion, and the power of the heart that Rumi encouraged. By using hypnotherapy to tap into the power of the subconscious mind, individuals can gain a greater understanding of their own emotional responses, and can work to overcome any negative emotions or thoughts that may be holding them back. In short, Rumi's teachings and modern-day hypnotherapy are complementary and can be used together to promote a sense of inner peace, happiness, and healing. By combining these two practices, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their own minds, and can use this understanding to promote positive change and growth in their lives. Digital marketing services offered by a Digital Counselor can greatly boost your health-related business by providing a platform for reaching a larger and more diverse audience. By leveraging various online platforms, such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization, a Digital Counselor can help you promote your health-related services, products, and treatments. With social media, your business can reach a wider audience, engage with potential customers, and build brand recognition. By creating and sharing valuable content, you can educate and inform your audience about your services and products, while also establishing yourself as a trusted and knowledgeable resource. Email marketing allows you to target your audience directly, offering tailored and personalized content and promotions to your subscribers. It is an effective way to keep your audience engaged and informed, and to drive conversions. Search engine optimization (SEO) is another crucial aspect of digital marketing that can help boost your health-related business. By optimizing your website and online content for search engines, you can increase your visibility and reach, making it easier for potential customers to find you when searching for related services and products. In conclusion, digital marketing services offered by a Digital Counselor can significantly improve your health-related business by providing a platform for reaching a larger and more diverse audience, engaging with potential customers, and promoting your services and products effectively.

  • Embracing the Unknown: Using Rumi's Teachings to Enhance Hypnotic Transformation

    Greetings, my dear friends. Today, we delve into the art of hypnosis, where the teachings of Rumi shall guide us on a journey of cleansing and nurturing. Let us begin by finding stillness, as we take a deep breath and close our eyes. As we exhale, we release all thoughts and worries and allow our bodies to fully relax. Now, we imagine ourselves as a raindrop, cleansing and purifying every part of us with each drop. We allow ourselves to surrender to the moment, to let go of all that no longer serves us. As we continue to breathe, we bring our awareness to our heart, where we find a spacious and gentle space. Here, we invite all parts of us that seek cleansing, that seek movement and flow, to receive exactly what they desire. We allow the rain to quench our thirst and wash away all that is no longer needed. As we release, we feel lighter and more nourished, ready to embrace the new and beautiful. And now, we open our eyes and embrace the warmth of the sun. We are re-devoted to what is most important to us, with an open heart and a clear mind. Remember, my friends, to take a deep breath and check in with yourselves. Pay attention to what is within you, especially the parts that are quiet or might not receive enough attention. For, as Rumi teaches us, it is through the stillness and surrender that we are able to truly nurture ourselves and find peace. May you have a wonderful day, my friends. And always remember, I love you so much. With love, Carl Woltz

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