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  • 🧵 URLs

    The URLs that you use for your site are just as important as the words everywhere else on the screen. Which URL looks better to you? The second one is clear about what that page will show. Think of URLs like a thread running through the site, showing people exactly where they are and where they came from. Go through your website and make your URLs as clear as possible. Use those keywords, too, to let Google know what it’s all about.

  • 🚧 Link Building

    The more places that are linked to your site, the more important Google thinks it is. Link building means making sure that you have: Links within your site that connect pages in a clear way; and Links on other sites that encourage people to visit yours. Make sure that people can easily get around your site without becoming lost or confused. If there’s a page on your site that is super important, have your other pages link back to it. Links on other websites are called external links. Everytime a link to your site is shared on social media, blogs, or other websites, Google takes that as a cue that people are interested in your site. Flooding your site with a million links won’t help anyone, and neither will trying to get your site listed on a bunch of random places. Instead, make your site easy to get around, and create real connections in online communities.

  • SEO Basics

    Learn SEO terms and research tips.

  • Making Changes

    Improving your site

  • What is SEO?

    Ready to get found on Google? More site visitors means more opportunities to make sales and grow your community. There are good and bad ways to make this happen. “White Hat SEO” tries to get real people to visit a site, while “Black Hat SEO” finds loopholes to trick search engines into ranking the site higher. We’ll focus on White Hat SEO, since this gets you more long-term results. Before exploring specific SEO tips, ask yourself these questions: Who do you want to find your site? What are they looking for? How can you give them what they need? In-depth guide to how Google Search works In the realm of Google's search delight, Let's embark on a journey, shining bright. Three stages await, an adventure we'll embark, To understand how Google works, let's embark! First comes crawling, a spider's grand feat, Web crawlers explore, like nimble feet. They download text, images, and more, Discovering pages like never before. Next, indexing takes the center stage, Google's analysis, like a wise sage. Text, images, and videos it stores, In the vast index, the knowledge pours. Finally, search results are served with glee, When users seek answers, eagerly. Relevant information, Google bestows, To fulfill queries and help us grow. So students, embrace this tech-savvy quest, Learn how Google Search performs its best. Fix crawling issues, get indexed with flair, Optimize your site, show up in searches fair. With knowledge in hand, you'll surely excel, Mastering the art of Google's magic spell. Explore, discover, and optimize away, In this digital world, you'll find your way! Let's dive into the world of Google Search, Where knowledge awaits, ready to perch. Together we'll learn, in a fun and engaging way, Unveiling the secrets of this digital bouquet!

  • 📸 Images

    Words aren’t the only things that Google reads. Any images on your site are also analyzed by search engines. How fast your site loads has a big impact on SEO, and images are part of that. Compress and resize your photos so that they load quickly, and place images as close as possible to related content. Use keywords in the name and caption.

  • 📱 Final Tips

    SEO offers no guarantees, but you can set yourself up for success. Ready to make more changes? Here are some next steps: Make your site mobile-friendly. More and more people are accessing sites from their phones instead of a laptop or desktop computer. Work on the accessibility of your site. Manage content and tags so that everyone can access it in a way that works for them. Remove content or media that slows down the loading time of your site. Is your website created with Wix? You’re in luck! Check out the Wix SEO Learning Hub ( for even more ways to optimize your site.

  • Wrapping Up

    Tips to keep in mind moving forward

  • 7 Steps to Becoming an SEO Expert 📈

    Get found on Google with these SEO tips.

  • 🗝️ Keyword Research

    Keywords are the phrases people type into search bars. Let’s say you need to buy a bookshelf. Your Google search may look something like these: Bookshelves Bookshelves for sale Bookshelves near me Buy bookshelves online Bookshelves with drawers Of course, what you search for depends on what you need. If a keyword is broad or simple (for example, “bookshelves”), it probably gets searched a lot. To start your research: Brainstorm both broad and specific keywords that could be relevant to your site. Find a keyword research tool, like Google Analytics, and see how many times each of your keywords was searched in the last year. Put the keywords into Google’s search bar and see which of your competitors rank high in the results. It can be hard to rank high on popular keywords, so use keywords that fit your website.

  • ✍️ Design

    If your site doesn’t look good, people won’t stay for long. Every page of your site needs to have: A design that is clear and attractive Written content that is informative and enjoyable No need for over-the-top design or a ton of content. Just keep it simple, clean, and easy for people to find what they’re looking for. Go through each page of your site and see what can be improved.

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