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  • Cleansing the Mind with Hypnosis: A Journey to the Heart

    As a hypnotherapist, I often use hypnosis to help people cleanse and nurture their mind, body, and soul. The one of the techniques I use to bring my clients into a state of deep relaxation, allowing them to let go of any negative thoughts or emotions they may be holding on to. In this session, I guided my clients through the alpha sequence, which begins by closing their eyes and relaxing their jaw. I asked them to slow down their breathing and relax the back of their tongue, allowing their minds to be still and present in the moment. Next, I asked my clients to drop their consciousness into their heart, imagining a sense of spaciousness and openness. I invited them to focus on the parts of themselves that were in need of cleansing, imagining that they were getting exactly what they needed in the form of rain, water, and flow. I encouraged my clients to surrender to the moment, opening their hearts and allowing themselves to be receptive to whatever insights and clarity may come to them. After a deep cleansing, I asked them to take in a deep breath and release anything they no longer needed. Finally, I counted to three, asking my clients to open their eyes feeling fantastic, nourished, and satisfied. I reminded them to check in with themselves and pay attention to what's going on inside, especially the quiet parts of themselves that might not get enough attention. I hope this session was a nurturing and cleansing experience for my clients, helping them to feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever life throws their way next.

  • The Secrets of Success: Discovering the Power of Digital Marketing in the Arabian Nights

    In the land of Arabian Nights, a tale I'll spin Of a young man seeking success, with troubles within He sought the advice of Rumi, the wise poet renowned And learned the secrets of digital marketing, as he sat on the ground Rumi spoke of success stories, and how to take flight Using social media, email, and digital light To reach a wider audience, with sales to increase And build a business that would never cease The young man listened carefully, to Rumi's every word And set out to put his lessons, into practice he had heard And soon his business flourished, with sales that did soar The young man was grateful, for what Rumi had in store So heed this tale, dear friends, and listen with care For digital marketing's power, is a treasure to share Take Rumi's advice, and soar to new heights With success that will shine, in the Arabian Nights. Once upon a time, in the land of the Arabian Nights, there lived a wise and renowned poet named Rumi. Rumi was known for his wisdom, not only in poetry but in life as well. One day, a young businessman approached Rumi and asked for his advice on how to take his business to the next level. Rumi smiled and said, "My young friend, I will tell you a story of the digital marketing and how it can help you reach new heights in your business. Let us journey together to the land of success stories, where we will learn the tips and tricks to grow your business." And so, Rumi began to narrate the tale of a successful businessman who, with the help of digital marketing, was able to reach a wider audience and increase his sales. He spoke of how the businessman used social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to showcase his products and engage with his customers. He also explained how the businessman utilized email marketing to keep his customers informed about new offerings and promotions. Rumi concluded the story by saying, "By following the path of digital marketing and utilizing the tips and tricks shared in these success stories, you too can take your business to new heights. Remember, the sky's the limit, and the power of digital marketing can be the key to unlocking its potential." The young businessman was inspired by Rumi's words and decided to implement the tips he had learned. And indeed, his business took off, soaring to new heights and making him one of the most successful businessmen in the land of the Arabian Nights. And that, my friend, is the story of how digital marketing can help take your business to the next level, told by the wise and renowned poet, Rumi.

  • Discovering Your True Potential through Rumi and Carl Woltz Hypnotherapy

    In order to excel in the world of Mind, Heart and Soul, one has to be well-versed in both the teachings of the famous Sufi poet Rumi and the art of digital marketing. Carl Woltz The CEO of Hypnotherapy service in Seaside, Oregon, along with Asim Ali Khan CEO of Digital Counselor, came across such a powerful marketing campaign for his hypnotherapy clinic in order to reach its target customers online. Carl decided to use his expertise to help the clinic and began by researching the target audience. He discovered that the people most in need of hypnotherapy services were those struggling with anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders. Next, Asim created a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that would help the clinic reach its target customers. He created engaging and informative content, optimized the clinic's website for search engines, and ran targeted ad campaigns on social media platforms. "The Power of Rumi's Wisdom: A Marketing Plan for Carl Woltz Hypnotherapy" Introduction: Carl Woltz Hypnotherapy is a Hypnotherapy service located at 2609 US-101 Business Suite 101A, Seaside, Oregon 97138, US. The clinic offers a range of services designed to help individuals overcome mental and emotional challenges, improve their well-being, and lead more fulfilling lives. Target Market: The target market for Carl Woltz Hypnotherapy consists of individuals who are struggling with anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, and other related issues. This includes people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds who are looking for a holistic and effective solution to their problems. Digital Marketing Strategy: The marketing strategy for Carl Woltz Hypnotherapy will focus on utilizing digital marketing techniques to reach the target market and create brand awareness. The following tactics will be used to achieve this goal: Content Marketing: Creating and publishing engaging and informative blog posts, articles, and other forms of content that educate the target audience about hypnotherapy and the services offered by Carl Woltz Hypnotherapy. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing the clinic's website for search engines to increase its visibility in search results for relevant keywords. Social Media Marketing: Running targeted ad campaigns on social media platforms to reach the target audience and drive traffic to the clinic's website. Integration of Rumi's Teachings: Integrating the teachings of the Sufi poet Rumi, as recorded in his book "Masnavi," into the marketing strategy to create a unique and holistic approach to hypnotherapy. This will be achieved through the creation of content that highlights the connection between Rumi's teachings and hypnotherapy, and through the integration of Rumi's wisdom into hypnotherapy sessions. Financial Projections: Based on market research and industry trends, it is estimated that the marketing strategy will result in a significant increase in website traffic and a boost in the number of appointments booked. This, in turn, is expected to result in a 20% increase in revenue in the first year of implementation, with continued growth in subsequent years. Conclusion: The marketing strategy outlined in this business plan provides a comprehensive and effective approach to reaching the target market and growing the Carl Woltz Hypnotherapy business. By combining the latest digital marketing techniques with the timeless wisdom of Rumi, the clinic is poised for success and poised to make a positive impact in the lives of those who seek its services. As a result of their efforts, the clinic saw a significant increase in website traffic and a boost in the number of appointments booked. People in need of hypnotherapy services were now able to easily find the clinic online and get the help they needed. Asimi's knowledge of both the teachings of Rumi and digital marketing had come together to help the clinic reach its target customers and make a positive impact in their lives. In the end, the clinic was grateful for Rumi's help, and Carl Woltz was glad to have used his knowledge to help people in need. It was a reminder of the importance of combining the wisdom of the past with the technology of the present to make a difference in the world. After Math During hypnotherapy sessions with his patients, Carl would often draw inspiration from the poems in "Masnavi." He used the poems' themes of self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual growth to help his patients tap into their own inner wisdom and overcome their challenges. For example, Carl would recite a verse from "Masnavi" that spoke of the importance of finding peace within oneself, and then use it as a springboard for guiding his patients in exploring their own thoughts and emotions. Through this process, patients were able to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and make lasting changes in their lives. Carl's unique approach to hypnotherapy was well received by his patients. They appreciated the way he blended traditional wisdom with modern techniques, and many reported significant improvements in their mental and emotional wellbeing. In this way, Carl linked the teachings of "Masnavi" with hypnotherapy treatment, creating a holistic and effective approach to healing. He showed that the wisdom of the past can still be relevant and impactful in today's world. Empowering people to live their lives to the fullest. #SelfDiscovery #InnerPeace #SpiritualGrowth #HolisticHealing #MindandBody #EmotionalWellbeing #MentalClarity #SelfImprovement #Therapy #PositiveChange

  • How Destiny Earners' Pizzas Hypnotize with Smell, Taste and Social Media Marketing

    Once upon a time, in a land filled with the aroma of freshly baked pizzas, there lived a brand known as "Destiny Earners". They were known for their mouth-watering, delicious pizzas that had the power to hypnotize everyone with just one bite. The aroma of their pizzas could be smelled from miles away, and it was as if the air itself was carrying the scent straight to people's noses. As soon as the aroma reached their nostrils, their taste buds would start to dance with excitement. The anticipation of taking a bite of the hot, melted cheese and the juicy toppings would overwhelm them, and they would be powerless to resist the call of Destiny Earners' pizzas. The secret to their success was not just the taste of their pizzas but also their masterful use of social media marketing. They understood the power of visuals and used it to their advantage by posting tantalizing pictures of their pizzas on Instagram and Facebook. The pictures were so irresistible that people couldn't help but drool over them, and soon the craze for Destiny Earners' pizzas spread like wildfire. The brand had an army of loyal followers who would rave about the taste, aroma, and the satisfying crunch of their pizzas. They even created a hashtag - #DestinyEarnersAddiction - and encouraged their followers to share their experiences with the brand. In conclusion, the taste, aroma, and social media marketing of Destiny Earners' pizzas had hypnotized everyone, and it had become a staple in their lives. No longer were people just grabbing a quick bite, they were now experiencing a sensory feast that they couldn't get enough of. The brand had truly earned its name, and they continued to bake their pizzas with love, care, and destiny in mind.

  • How do I make my own pizza brand? 2023 trends

    Oh traveler, to create your own pizza brand, one must first understand the essence of pizza. It is more than just a dish, it is a symbol of warmth, comfort, and togetherness. To create a successful brand, you must infuse this essence into every aspect of your business, from the ingredients you use, to the way you interact with your customers. Start by sourcing the finest ingredients, using only the freshest produce and the best cheeses. Take care to craft each pizza with love and attention, so that each bite brings joy to those who partake. Next, cultivate a community around your brand, using social media and other marketing tools to build relationships with your customers. Share your passion for pizza, and encourage others to join you in celebrating this delicious dish. Finally, be mindful of the way you present your brand, from the packaging and signage, to the way you answer the phone and greet customers in your restaurant. Show the world that your brand is more than just a business, it is a symbol of love, unity, and togetherness. May you find success on your journey as a pizza maker, and may the warmth and comfort of your pizzas bring joy to all those who taste them. Power tasty Pizza ideas take help from the Below to Create: Pizza with pesto sauce and vegetables like cherry tomatoes, zucchini, and eggplant. Pizza with caramelized onions, goat cheese, and arugula. Pizza with spicy sausage, roasted red pepper, and mozzarella cheese. Pizza with a white sauce base made of ricotta and garlic, topped with chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, and spinach. Pizza with barbecued pulled Chicken, jalapeno peppers, and cheddar cheese.

  • Bringing Love and Unity to the Table: The Power of Pizza and Rumi's Teachings

    Introducing Rumi's teachings and quotes into your digital marketing and social media campaign is a great way to create brand awareness and boost pizza sales. The message that pizza is not just a food item but a symbol of bringing people together can be conveyed through inspiring Rumi quotes and messages about love, unity, and the power of togetherness. Emphasize the idea of sharing, warmth, and comfort that a slice of pizza can bring, tying it with Rumi's message of love and generosity. Here are some ideas to implement Rumi's teachings into your marketing campaign: Use Rumi's quotes in your social media posts to create a sense of unity and togetherness. Run a UGC (user-generated content) campaign where customers can share their experiences with pizza and how it brings people together. Offer prizes for the best posts that incorporate Rumi's teachings. Organize a “Free pizza for a year” contest where customers can take a picture of themselves with their favorite pizza and post it on social media with the hashtag #freepizza and a quote about love, unity, and the power of togetherness. In your email marketing updates, include Rumi's quotes about sharing, warmth, and comfort to emphasize the idea of pizza as a symbol of bringing people together. Create behind-the-scenes content that highlights the warmth and comfort of pizza and how it brings people together. Collaborate with influencers to feature your pizza on their social media channels. Encourage customers to share their experience with your pizza on social media platforms by offering a special discount or reward. Create visually appealing and mouth-watering food videos and share them on social media to showcase your pizzas. Utilize social media ads to target specific audiences, such as people who have shown interest in food and dining, to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Frequently Asked Questions About Pizza Marketing How do I advertise my pizza? Start with social media. It’s free and anyone can use it. Pick a platform that you are comfortable with and start creating content. How can I promote my pizza online? Create a google my business page and make sure everything is up to date. Then create social media accounts and create content for your business. Is pizza a good business? Yes, pizza is a good business. It is a $37 billion industry in the United States alone. pizza businesses have a 63% profit margin on average. pizza is also one of the most popular foods in the world. Over three billion pizzas are sold each year. What are the trends in the pizza industry? Some of the current trends in the pizza industry include: -Healthier pizza options such as vegan pizza, gluten-free pizza, and organic pizza. -Pizza delivery by drone -Gourmet pizza toppings such as lobster, truffles, and foie gras. How do I make my own pizza brand? Start by creating a unique selling proposition. What makes your pizza brand different from the others? Then create a strong branding strategy that includes things like a catchy name, logo, and tagline. You will also want to make sure you have a great product and excellent customer service. Promote your pizza brand through social media, word of mouth ) By incorporating Rumi's teachings into your marketing campaign, you will create a powerful message about the importance of love, unity, and the power of togetherness. This message, combined with the comfort and warmth of pizza, will help create a stronger brand and boost sales. Example Social Media Post: "Spread love, unity, and togetherness with every slice of pizza! 🍕 Inspired by the wisdom of Rumi, let's come together and celebrate the power of community over a warm and comforting pie. Come join us and taste the difference that love makes. #PizzaWithPurpose #RumiInspiration #LoveAndUnity 💕" ~ ~ ~ In conclusion, incorporating Rumi's teachings and quotes into your digital marketing and social media campaign for your pizza restaurant can be a unique and impactful way to boost sales and create brand awareness. By highlighting the idea of sharing, warmth, and comfort that a slice of pizza can bring, and tying it to Rumi's message of love and generosity, you can create a campaign that speaks to the emotions and desires of your customers. Utilizing the above mentioned tactics like high-quality pizza photography, social media campaigns, email marketing, and contests, will help you reach your target audience and drive more traffic to your restaurant. Remember, the key to success in any marketing campaign is consistency and creativity, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things!

  • Destiny Earner's Pizza Takes Social Media by Storm with Rumi-Inspired Campaign

    Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Islamabad, in the heart of Blue Area, a young man named Ali had a vision. He wanted to bring the taste of quality pizza to the masses, but not just any pizza, a pizza inspired by the teachings of the great Sufi poet Rumi. And thus, Destiny Earners Pizza was born. At first, Ali's pizza business was just a small corner shop in the busy streets of Islamabad, but as word of mouth spread, so did the demand for his delicious pizzas. People couldn't get enough of the unique blend of spices and flavors that Ali infused into every slice. One day, as Ali was flipping pizzas in the kitchen, he stumbled upon one of Rumi's poems, "The wound is the place where the light enters you." This verse resonated with Ali and he realized that success often comes from overcoming challenges and hardships. Determined to take his pizza business to the next level, Ali poured his heart and soul into perfecting his craft. He experimented with new ingredients and cooking techniques, always striving to improve the taste and quality of his pizzas. As Destiny Earners Pizza continued to grow, Ali began to implement Rumi's teachings into every aspect of his business. He treated his employees with kindness and respect, just as Rumi encouraged in his poems. He also made it a priority to give back to the community, donating a portion of his profits to local charities. Soon, Ali's pizza business was the talk of the town. People from all over the city were lining up for a taste of Destiny Earners Pizza, and the business was expanding at an incredible pace. Discover New Heights in Brand Awareness How Rumi's Poetry Helped Ali's Pizza Reach New Heights in Brand Awareness - Call Now at +092336051496 One day, Ali received an offer from a large pizza chain looking to acquire his business. However, instead of selling out, Ali decided to franchise his business and share his success with others. This move allowed Destiny Earners Pizza to expand even further, reaching new markets and communities. With each new franchise, Ali continued to spread the teachings of Rumi, inspiring others to follow their dreams and never give up. And so, Destiny Earners Pizza grew into a global empire, one slice at a time, proving that anything is possible if you have the courage to chase your dreams and the wisdom to heed the teachings of great poets like Rumi. As Rumi once wrote, "The world is a mirror. Smile at it, and it smiles back." And indeed, the world smiled back at Ali and Destiny Earners Pizza, and it continues to do so to this day. The Digital marketing Strategy - Suggested by Digital Counselor In his digital marketing and social media campaign, Ali incorporated Rumi's teachings and quotes to boost his pizza sales and create brand awareness. He used inspiring Rumi quotes and messages about love, unity, and the power of togetherness to convey the message that his pizza is not just a food item but a symbol of bringing people together. He also emphasized on the idea of sharing, warmth and comfort that a slice of pizza can bring, tying it with Rumi's message of love and generosity. The Secret Sauce to Ali's Pizza's Online Success: Rumi's Teachings To further drive his point home, Ali created visually appealing graphics and videos that showcased Rumi's teachings and the message of his brand. He also ran contests and giveaways, encouraging his followers to share their own experiences of togetherness over pizza and tag their friends. This helped to increase engagement and reach, and allowed Ali to tap into the growing trend of using purpose-driven marketing to connect with consumers on an emotional level.' Through this unique approach, Ali was able to differentiate his brand from the competition, and appeal to customers who are looking for something more than just a quick bite. By incorporating the wisdom and teachings of Rumi into his marketing strategy, he created a strong emotional connection with his target audience and ultimately boosted his pizza sales.

  • The Rise of the Rumi Cafe -How One Man's Dream Changed His Business Forever

    Customers are causing problems for the owner of a Chai and Tea cafe in Bahria Town. He is perplexed, and in his dream, he meets RUmi, who tells him to read Masnavi and teaches him business tips and how to use digital marketing to attract customers. The person follows his advice and becomes successful. Once upon a time, there was a man named Ali who ran a Chai and Tea cafe in the bustling city of Bahria Town. Despite his passion for tea and love for making it the perfect cup, Ali was facing a major problem – his customers were dwindling. The competition was tough and his profits were at an all-time low. He was at a loss, unsure of what to do next. One night, as Ali lay in bed, he had a vivid dream. In it, he saw the famous Persian poet Rumi, who appeared before him with a message. "Ali, you must read my book, the Masnavi," Rumi said. "It holds the secrets to success, not just in business, but in life." Confused but curious, Ali sought out a copy of the book and was soon enraptured by its teachings. Rumi's words spoke to him, teaching him about the importance of love, wisdom, and compassion in every aspect of life, including business. As he read on, Rumi appeared to him again, this time offering practical advice for Ali's cafe. "You must embrace the power of digital marketing," Rumi said. "Use it to reach out to a wider audience and attract more customers." Rumi had given Ali several tips to follow in order to attract more customers to his cafe: Utilize social media: Ali created social media accounts for his cafe, where he would post daily updates and promotions. He also utilized paid advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a wider audience. Create a website: Rumi advised Ali to create a website for his cafe, where customers could find information about his menu, hours, and location, as well as make online reservations. Offer special deals and promotions: To attract more customers, Ali would offer special deals and promotions, such as discounts on certain menu items or buy-one-get-one-free offers. Encourage customer reviews: Rumi also advised Ali to encourage his customers to leave reviews on platforms like Yelp or TripAdvisor, as this would help attract more customers and improve his online reputation. Host events and workshops: Finally, Rumi encouraged Ali to host events and workshops at his cafe, such as poetry readings, tea-tasting sessions, or talks about the teachings of Rumi. These events not only attracted new customers but also fostered a sense of community at the cafe. Ali followed Rumi's advice, and soon he saw a dramatic change in his business. By using social media and other digital marketing tools, he was able to reach a wider audience and promote his cafe like never before. The number of customers increased, and his profits began to soar. Along with the teachings of Rumi, Ali also incorporated some of the poet's famous poems into his cafe. He would recite them to his customers, offering them a glimpse into the wisdom and beauty of Rumi's words. Here is one of the poems that Ali would often recite at his cafe: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about." And here is another: "The wound is the place where the light enters you." People from all over the city came to taste Ali's tea, and many of them were drawn in by the peaceful and warm atmosphere of his cafe. They raved about the tea and the inspiring stories that Ali would share, inspired by the teachings of Rumi. With these tips in mind, Ali was able to turn his struggling cafe into a thriving business. Customers from all over Bahria Town came to enjoy his tea, listen to his recitations of Rumi's poems, and learn from his teachings. And Ali, with a heart full of gratitude, felt that he was living his life to the fullest. And so, Ali became a successful businessman, but more importantly, he became a successful person. He was filled with joy and gratitude for the wisdom that Rumi had imparted upon him, and he vowed to share it with others. He would often hold events and workshops at his cafe, teaching people about the Masnavi and how it had changed his life. In the end, Ali's cafe became a hub of inspiration, a place where people could come to learn, to be uplifted, and to enjoy the perfect cup of tea. And all because of the dream that Rumi had sent, and the wisdom he had imparted.

  • The Mysterious Stranger: A Tale of Rumi's Teachings and Café Transformation

    Rumi writes about anger from loss: I plant some flowers without you – They become thorns. I see a peacock — it turns into a snake. I play the harp — nothing but noise. I go to the highest heaven — it’s a burning hell. Once upon a time a Tina Cafe owner was having a busy day at her cafe located in the midst of the bustling market. Despite the hustle and bustle of the city, she was calm and focused, relying on the her expereinces through life's challenges. However, on this particular day, her serenity was disturbed when she suddenly twisted her ankle. Despite the pain, she refused to let it get the best of her and continued serving her clients, determined to keep the cafe running smoothly. As the day went on, things took a surprising turn when one of her regular customers, an old man Mr. Wise, noticed her injury and offered to help. In a moment of desperation, she reluctantly agreed and soon found herself being assisted by a peculiar character - Rumi's Soul, in Mr.Wise to help people in need. To her surprise, Mr Wise not only helped her manage the cafe, but also scanned her ankle and recommended ways to keep the swelling down. He even suggested that they close the cafe for the day, which was a difficult decision for Tina. However, she trusted Mr. Wise's judgement and went upstairs to rest. As she sat there, she reflected on her life and the teachings of Rumi that she held so dear in the hidden corner of her heart. She realized that the challenges she faced were opportunities for growth, and that with perseverance, she could overcome any obstacle. Meanwhile, downstairs, Mr Wise continued to run the cafe, much to the delight of the customers who were amazed by his efficiency. However, as the day wore on, things took another unexpected turn when one of the customer complained about the coffee. As the client's voice grew louder, Tina came downstairs to see what has happed. She found herself facing a challenge when one of her regular customers complained about the coffee having no sugar.she rushed to rectify the situation, saying that the coffee was perfectly made. but the client's anger was willing to conquer the mount Everest. Mr. Wise stepped in. In a calm and wise voice, Mr. Wise told the customer that Rumi taught us to forgive others' wrongdoings, and to bury our anger and hatred. He explained that anger and hatred arise from not accepting others and offered the customer a free coffee. To Tina's surprise, this simple gesture impressed all of the customers, who erupted in applause. Despite her own deep studies of Rumi's teachings, she had never put them into practice in such a powerful way. Turning to thank Mr. Wise, Tina was shocked to find that he had already left the cafe. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to locate him and was left to ponder the mysterious stranger's wisdom. From that day on, Tina was filled with a new sense of purpose, determined to live out Rumi's teachings in her daily life, just as Mr. Wise had shown her. She inspired her customers and employees with her newfound wisdom, and the cafe continued to thrive. In the midst of the busy market, Tina's coffee cafe became a hub of positivity and inspiration, all thanks to the teachings of Rumi and the wise words of the mysterious Mr. Wise. And although she never saw him again, Tina remained grateful for his impact on her life, knowing that his teachings would continue to guide her on her journey. With a smile, she looked forward to the next day, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

  • Open the Window of Your Heart

    Open the window of your heart and let the light of your soul shine bright. For it is in the imagining of the mind and the brilliance of the heart that true beauty and innovation are born. In the world of digital marketing, where the competition is fierce and the landscape ever-changing, it is essential to tap into the limitless potential of the heart and the imagination. Only then can we create meaningful connections with our audience and communicate a message that resonates deeply with them. When we open the window of our heart, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and authentic, which in turn attracts the attention of others and fosters trust. This vulnerability and authenticity is the foundation of true connection and the key to success in digital marketing. Additionally, the imagination allows us to dream big and think outside the box, to come up with creative solutions and innovative ideas that set us apart from the rest. When we pair the imagination with the boundless wisdom of the heart, we have the power to create truly impactful and memorable campaigns. So I say to you, dear marketers and entrepreneurs, open the window of your heart and let the light of your soul shine bright. For it is in the melding of the heart and the imagination that true success and fulfillment are found." Asim Ali Khan

  • Rise Up - A call to action for the Business Owners

    Join the Group: ____________________________________________________ Rumi's poem "Rise Up" is a call to action, urging individuals to awaken their true potential and rise above their limitations. Its message of hope and determination is particularly relevant for business owners and startups, who must navigate the competitive landscape of the marketplace. By embracing the wisdom of Rumi, these individuals can cultivate the qualities of resilience, perseverance, and creativity that are essential for success. Rumi's teachings encourage self-reflection and personal growth, providing a framework for business owners and startups to cultivate the skills and mindset necessary to rise above their competitors and achieve their goals. Whether faced with challenges, setbacks, or simply a need for inspiration, Rumi's poetry provides a source of guidance and motivation, helping business owners and startups stay focused and maintain a positive outlook. Do not turn to look at every beggar that beckons – you belong to me! Do not sell yourself short, for you are priceless. Part the waters with your staff – you are today’s Moses. Tear through the cloak of fog! You are of the light, the same light as Mohammad. Shatter the mirrors of the beautiful, you are the dazzling Joseph. Blow the breath of life like Christ – you, too, are of that air. Break away from the unscrupulous; do not fall for the deceit of ghouls. You are of noble origin – you are from the highest high. By spirit, you are deathless – imperishable; magnificent from within. You belong to the glorious – you are of divine radiance. What have you seen of your own beauty? You are still veiled… One dawn, like the sun, you will rise up from within yourself. It is a shame to be shrouded this way like the moon under a cloud. Tear through the cloud of body! You are the magnificent moon. You are like a hawk whose feet are bound, tethered to the body – It is with your own claws that you must untie the knots. ~Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi With its timeless messages of hope and transformation, Rumi's teachings are an invaluable resource for anyone looking to rise up and make a difference in their lives and the world. ____________________________________________________ #Digitalmarketing #seo #Smallbusiness #ceos #entrepreneurs #startups #digitalcounselor | #RumiInBusiness ~Partners: #asimali1511 & #DestinyEarners #RumiInspiration #RumiWisdom #RumiQuotes #BusinessMotivation #BusinessSuccess #RumiForBrandBuilding #RumiForSuccess #RumiForLife #RumiForChange #RumiAndCompetition #RumiForCompetitiveAdvantage #RumiAndResilience #RumiAndPerseverance #RumiAndCreativity #RumiAndInspiration #RumiForLife #RumiForChange #Entrepreneurship #StartupSuccess #MarketingStrategy #BrandBuilding #CompetitiveAdvantage #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #InspirationalPoetry #SufiTeachings #SufiWisdom #MotivationalPoetry #RumiAndBusiness #RumiForEntrepreneurs #RumiForStartups #RumiForMarketing

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